Weekly Update

Weekly Update: Thursday, 01/19/12

So, just to say it before I continue, I’m going to try to start updating our blog every week. Thursday is the day that I’m shooting for, but we’ll see how that goes…

This last week we had the pleasure of hosting our good friend Beth here in the Netherlands. Please be praying for her and her fiancé, Sam. Their wedding was supposed to be for the 7th of January, but Sam’s visa was denied (our friend Beth is British and our friend Sam is American). It was very, very good to have Beth here though, and we’re confident that God will work everything out for her and Sam very soon!

Beth was also our first friend from Y-Idaho to see our son. Also, given that Jake only has Uncles on both sides of the family, we decided that it would be good for him to have an Aunt too, so, Beth is Aunty Beth too!

Other Updates:

– I may be working with some college students soon; there is a program here called Dine with the Dutch, I’ll be helping connect international students with Dutch students from the same college campus. This way, international students from China, India, Pakistan, and other nations will have a chance of making friends with other Dutch students while they are here. The program is hosted by several Christian student associations.

– Our son will be having a family baptism on February 12th; we will be at my wife’s home church in Enschede. Menko, my wife’s father will be baptizing our son and Lori, my Mom, will get to be there too!

– My wife and I are still putting together what our next year in ministry will look like. For now, I have a couple of tasks that will help our base run Mission Adventures this summer.


This week I read through the last chapters of Ezekiel; I know only have Deuteronomy to read through and I will have read the entire Bible. From chapter 40 through 48 it talks about God taking Ezekiel to a city through a vision. It is prophetic, but it seems to be both for people of Israel as they return from Babylon (the place from which Ezekiel was) and to be a picture of what is later described in the last two chapters of Revelation, 21 & 22. They are not the same, but they are similar.

You should check them out!

Praise & Prayer Report

– Our son, Jake, is growing really well!

– My Mom will be able to visit us and our son for a couple of weeks this February!

– Please pray that our visa works out fine! We are praying about next year’s schedule and it is very important that we are granted the visa we need!

Thanks for all your prayers!

In Christ,
The Abiding Kingdom